Our Ministries


Our Sunday School

A Great Sunday School Builds a Great Church

Our Sunday School Department is the primary disciple-making ministry within our assembly. It helps persons to grow in the knowledge and grace of God through regular and balanced studies of the scriptures.

We use the Pentecostal Publishing House Sunday School books as our literature and study guide for Sunday School.

Our Sunday School includes:

  • A meaningful interaction with the Word of God

  • Glorification of God by pointing persons to worship

  • Consistent means by which to reach out to lost humanity and introduce them to Christ

Some key factors that assist us in our Sunday School are:

  • Spirit-filled Workers

  • Bible-based teachings

  • People-centered lessons

  • Life-related guidance


Our Youth Department

Children are the windows of tomorrow through which today's light must shine

The Youth Department strives to mold children and teenagers into vessels for Christ. We seek to provide our youth with activities which include, but are not limited to:

  • Bible Study

  • Games

  • Godly Counsel

The Youth Department consists of members from age 1 to age 99.
Our department is divided into two groups - Faith & Joy. We not only believe that the youth are leaders for tomorrow's church but also that they are the backbone for today. Our department also has 2 choirs - Zionnettes: The Next Generation (our children's choir) and the Youth & Young Adult choir.

Join us and be blessed!


Our Women’s Department

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies

The Women's Department provides leadership and guidance to women of all ages in order to help them be completely whole. This department nurtures single women, married women and mothers on how to love their children, their husbands and themselves while loving God in order to lead a balanced and fulfilled life. Regardless of what stage you are in life, we are here to meet your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us if you believe we can be of service to you and your family.


Our Men’s Department

Let brotherly love continue

The Brotherhood Department reaches, teaches, wins and leads men into a higher service for Christ. As men of God, we must stand up for holiness. It is difficult to find men in these last and closing days who are willing to stand up and be counted as servants of Christ. We will stand for Christ while at the same time being responsible husbands, fathers, brothers, friends and members of society. We aim to groom our young men to become godly, responsible men in this present world while grooming our older men to become responsible members of society and godly men of character and faith.

We welcome you!


Missions & Outreach

The Bethel United Church believes that we are the only Jesus that some people may see and that our lives are the only bibles that some people may read. We must be true representatives of Jesus Christ while living here on earth.

We serve our community and the world at large with our Missions & Outreach department.

The Missions & Outreach department has served the North Avenue Recreation Center, the Hamilton Nursing Center and Helping Up Missions in Baltimore to name a few.

We also extend our reach to believers in India, Indonesia, Pakistan and other countries.

Please let us know if our department can assist.

God Bless!